Monday, December 15, 2008

Telnet task B

Ive been thinking about task B for a while now hence my lack of communication sorry everyone. This telnet site is a very clever use of limited resources, the use of keyboard characters as a graphics tool was something I used to toy with when I was younger. Although time and technology have moved forward to create faster smoother graphics applications. It was a nice nostalgia trip, but as previously stated on the deakin library telnet task the monochrome graphics can soon lead to a lack of interest due to insufficient visual stimuli, But that is only my opinion of course it would have take a great deal of patience and time to put this ditty together and for what its worth congratulations to the designer, there is no way I would have the patience to complete movie length extravaganza like this, of course nowadays with all the graphics applications available to us it would still be a huge undertaking but the final outcome would be a lot more visually appealing. This type of content although very primitive would have had some obstacles to overcome at the time of its creation, such as getting out to the audience lol. who ever that may have been, not many people would have had access to a computer let alone known about telnet, even now the amount of people that know of the existence of telnet does not make this a widely viewed medium for anything other than records and data retrieval. With that in mind the need for new technologies and software would have been a necessary step in getting the information to a wider audience not to mention a wider variety of content availability.

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