To receive the most number of hits using my previous search terms, I used the Boolean logical operator OR. I soon discovered getting the most results does not mean that you get the right result. Although the search engine responded with 51 perfect matches, they were only perfect in relation to the parameters set in the search, which as I was using the Boolean OR were pretty broad.
The terms used were huntington OR beach OR florist OR tulips.

To receive the most relevant results in my search I would need to use the Boolean logical operator AND. In this way I would be getting results that Incorporated all of my search parameters.
The terms used in this attempt were huntington AND beach AND florist AND tulip.

When trying to search through university only sources I used (university)thinking that by putting this term in parenthesis would ensure that sites containing the word university would be the first searched I then added Boolean AND with the rest of my search words, as you can see it didn't turn out quite as expected.
With this attempt the search was set out thus, (university)AND huntington AND beach AND florist AND tulip.

I did try a less Boolean approach that yielded absolutely no results lol. I searched using the domain name edu.
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