Saturday, January 24, 2009
Mod 3 WEB 2.0
It seems like the perfect tool in the modern age giving the user the control of the information they wish to store or disseminate over the web and also to recieve like minded topics to improve their experience, From what i understood it sounds as though web 2.0 evolves to suit the user. where as standard html site is rigid in its application and is not as interactive friendly.
Mod 3 Blogs
Links can also be Incorporated into a blog to allow the reader to access further info on the subject of the Blog.
Blog stands for Web Log and can be used as a diary or tasks or events such as we are doing on this course. or as a way for people to communicate their thoughts and ideas whether they be intellectual or artistic. With the use of the comment ability of the log a two way conversation can be initiated making the dissemination of ideas or info more of a message board feel.
I find that using this blog to convey my thoughts is an easier medium for me to use. Its about me sharing my opinions without having to actually contact someone. Phew.
Mod 3 Copyright
Would I be violating copyright law if I were to use the Curtin logo at the top of an assignment. My view on this would be no i would not the reason being I am actually a part of Curtin University, the logo is on an assignment handed out by and completed for Curtin Uni, and unless i was to publish the document for public viewing I believe that I would be within the limits of copyright law to use it for projects within Curtin university.
Now to see what the law has to say hmmm apparently I would be infringing copy right unless I had the permission of Curtin University to use the logo.
I hope this link is helpful, it helped clear a few things up for me.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Module 3 HTML Task 1
Now finishing the question what differences are there between blog and html and which do you prefer. Well after the stress encountered at the end of this task I am tempted to say I prefer blogging as it is so much simpler to use, but I must admit I enjoy the creativity you get from typing source code and seeing the outcome. I did see however than when I tried to load the source code here on my blog it did not display properly, so I am assuming that the html editor on here is limited as to what it can accomplish. The main difference as to uses of blogs compared to html pages is I believe that blogs are more user friendly faster to use and require absolutely no knowledge of html source code.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Chat task
Monday, January 5, 2009

Email lists v's Discussion Boards
I wouldn't want all that email directed at me it would be frustrating and time consuming sorting through it all to find a specific piece of information and quite frankly I would have better things to do.
As for discussion boards they are generally located online and the users have to sign into a website to access the community, the boards can be set up in such a way that it is easier to find a group that is talking on a subject or topic that you wish to participate in. The downside being there is no immediate response to your posts and you may have to check in frequently to find your answer. Although I have found that generally in an active discussion board most questions are usually already answered you just need to look.
I would say that a discussion board is definitely more suited for learning purposes or research, and email lists would be better suited for hobbyists, gossip and general news.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Email Task
Arghhh what am i doing, Im going look at the answers some of the other students are posting in order to get some idea of how to go about this task. At first all i could glean from the message i sent to myself from Yahoo was my email address, the subject of the message, and its content, but after reading the blog from Lin it was revealed to me that there is a greater depth of information to be discovered. I opened my email in Office Outlook right clicked and chose message options. Wow!! low and behold there at the bottom under Internet headers was the mother load as you can see below I managed to glean some new facts concerning my email.
Return-Path: <>Received: from ([]) by with ESMTP id <> for <>; Sat, 3 Jan 2009 03:13:47 +0000Received: from ([]) by with SMTP id <> for <>; Sat, 3 Jan 2009 03:13:46 +0000Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 03 Jan 2009 03:13:44 -0000Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 03 Jan 2009 03:13:44 -0000Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 03 Jan 2009 03:13:44 -0000X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: (qmail 22741 invoked by uid 60001); 3 Jan 2009 03:13:44 -0000DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws; s=s1024;; h=X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:Date:From:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Message-ID; b=qFn2BvK1T5EiD0Jxzqr39LIF0FCCM9W7B0ovwwgbetynoR1/451Itfwo/Q6PL/IkbK0eEm7TIM4vtER6bWp7hPwuZBoO70+A6Dqi5eOog7jUp6cBfuj2HZH3CU/ud9SBOm4aFmaqe2gYf9ywrV8ztMsnadGFGp/baljAzebaEfk=;X-YMail-OSG: SUFwRfIVM1mwT0bdby2MDFjSNlDqESUevnBrYwCrlRsAlAzq0snon_U3m7b2PwCxLWfm0owQlKmpVt4HXWbNiYmcWEwGJrob56to6ptZCnzreCH26.Is0G0npPjW91E4_h1gGihTsRLWK3fWHp5r2rzCN57HOKUYEdS6TiC8hYrbhm6dz0mazMh1IH5pbIXH8.cYv1w-Received: from [] by via HTTP; Fri, 02 Jan 2009 19:13:44 PSTX-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/ Fri, 2 Jan 2009 19:13:44 -0800 (PST)From: Douglas Reynolds <>Subject: Email taskTo: 1.0Message-ID: <>X-RPD-ScanID: Class unknown; VirusThreatLevel unknown, RefID str=0001.0A150202.495ED7EB.0073,ss=1,fgs=0X-Antivirus: AVG for E-mail 8.0.176 [270.10.2/1872]Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=======AVGMAIL-495ED7F20000======="
A lot of this is absolute gobbledy gook to me, but I am able to ascertain that the email was sent from YahooMailWebService at 19:13:44 on Fri 2nd January 2009 PST, and passed through a number of servers to finally arrive at my outlook application on Sat, 3rd Jan 2009 03:14:37, now considering that it is actually 1:42 pm which would translate to 13:42:00 maybe the final time given is in GMT. One concern I have about posting this information on this blog is am I actually making myself vulnerable to a breech of my computer system. Hopefully I'm not being overly paranoid.
Question 2
I am am not a very social creature and rarely if ever have I had the opportunity to use these functions but of the top of my head I would probably use the cc and bcc if I had to send the same document,image or other such message to more than 1 individual. As for the reply to all function hmmm lets see, if a number of emails required the same response, an example would be in the movie Bruce Almighty where Bruce answered all emails "yes" using the reply all function.
Question 3
There are a number of ways to ensure that the recipient of an attachment to an email is able to open it. Firstly through an explanation in the body of the email explaining which application opens the attachment. Secondly by sending the attachment in a format that that is widely accepted by most operating systems e.g an rtf file. Thirdly through correspondance with the recipient learning what applications their system uses and sending your attachments to suit.Question 4
My email is an absolute mess, I have no rules or filters set up. But after reading this part of the course that is something that I will be rectifying. The first and foremost will be to filter out the spam and have correspondance from the Uni redirected to my Uni folder, and highlight certain emails to quickly ascertain who they are from.
Question 5
The folder structure of my email is not very complex I have the standard in,out,deleted,drafts and junk folders and i have added a Uni folder for University correspondance to keep it seperated. As I have a number of email accounts I think its time to drag myself out of the stoneage and put some order into my electronic mail.
Curtin Trace

I also noticed that the A-toolbar trace provided less information. To be more specific it did not supply the host name of the ip addresses just the addresses in a host name column hmmmmm, also the original trace made 3 attempts at each address and recorded the time for each. I dont see that on the A-toolbar trace tool, just 1 attempt per address.