When I did a trace to curtin.edu.au I had exceeded my download allowance and subsequently my connection was reduced to a snails pace. As you can see below the time it took was agonizingly slow due to my connection speed, but i also noticed the trace only took two steps. The previous trace done through another site took longer and had more steps, I would speculate that this is due to the fact that the first trace was from another site in another country and would have to pass through various servers to find its way to curtin.edu.au.

I also noticed that the A-toolbar trace provided less information. To be more specific it did not supply the host name of the ip addresses just the addresses in a host name column hmmmmm, also the original trace made 3 attempts at each address and recorded the time for each. I dont see that on the A-toolbar trace tool, just 1 attempt per address.
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